ISSN: 1790-5079 Issue 5, Volume 6, May 2010
Lucija Foglar, Nenad Bolf, Marija Lukic
The nitrate removal from surface water of the Cetina river (SW) with the use of natural powdered Croatian clinoptilolite as a carrier of bacterial cells was studied in the batch bioreactor. The removal of 50<250 mg NO3<N/L from the SW with the bacteria attached to the natural powdered clinoptilolite (Bio<NPC) was monitored. The influence of initial nitrate as well as the temperature impact on the batch biodenitrification process was investigated and modelled. According to parameters obtained in Monod model, the biodenitrification process revealed as zero order reaction. The nitrate removal from the SW (C0 = 100 mg NO3<N/L) was monitored in the temperature range of 15<35 C and the denitrification rates increased with the increase of temperature. According to the Arrhenius equation, the activation energy and Arrenius factor were 48.25 kJ/mol and 1.056×10E10 mg NO3<N/Lh, respectively. Furthermore, optimal amount of methanol was determined. The model of biological denitrification was developed in accordance with the experimental data and literature. Finally by the use of an alternated differential method (ID algorithm) biological denitrification was determined as the zero order reaction.
Key Words: Activation energy, Clinoptilolite, Denitrification, Nitrate, Surface water, Zero order reaction
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